Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink attire and pink ribbons are everywhere. Even the NFL players have pink on their helmets, ribbons on their jersey's and even pink gloves. I love it. The underlying goal of Breast Cancer Awareness month is not only to promote education and awareness about breast cancer but also to raise money for breast cancer research and treatments. So every time you support a company or product that supports the pink ribbon, you are doing your part to help. Don't you feel good inside?
I want to mainly emphasize the importance of early detection from the NBCAM website:
One of the earliest signs of breast cancer can be an abnormality that shows up on a mammogram before it can be felt. The most common signs of breast cancer are a lump in the breast; abnormal thickening of the breast; or a change in the shape or color of the breast. Although finding a lump or change in your breast does not necessarily mean you have breast cancer.
As you all know, my friend Shalana was diagnosed with breast cancer and has undergone treatment and is now cancer free. She has finished two of her four reconstructive surgeries and is doing very well. She is still strong and beautiful and she hasn't let the diagnosis control her... instead she took control of it. I can't express how proud and amazed I am of her for coming out on top of everything she has been dealt this past year. It's good to have those type of role models in your life. Kind of makes you think...if she can handle all that she's been through with a smile on her face then these little trials of mine are insignificant in the grand scheme of things and if I am ever dealt the hand that she's been dealt then I hope I am able to go through it with at least a smidge of the grace that she has shown.
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