
Family Resource Binder

Blog surfing.  What a wonderful way to pass the time and learn about new things.  In my blog surfing the other night, I came across this blog Virtually Organized where the author talked about creating a family resource binder to keep all of those pesky papers and calendars under control.  Well of course I thought this was a great idea since I have papers attached to the side of my refrigerator (and it looks oh so tacky) along with misc important papers stacked on my desk or tucked away in drawers.  So after dropping the boys off at school... I got busy!

                                          Here's a picture of our piles of paper before...

                                            Here's a picture of the binder after assembly..
each family member has their own tab with their school/work calendars and other misc info

                                             Ahhhh, this is the way a desk should look!
I think I have a problem because finishing this task really felt good!  Man I need a life!


  1. I so did this a couple years ago... my problem was keeping up with it after creating it! lol It is now my recipe binder... oh well.

  2. I am having trouble deciding exactly where to keep it! I have a similar recipe binder myself. We are cut from the same cloth!


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