
The Princess & The Frog

I can't hide my excitement.  I've tried to reign it in a little bit seeing as though I am a mom of boys and all, but I'm so excited about the upcoming movie...The Princess and The Frog.  It is Walt Disney's very first movie with an African American Princess and I am stoked (is that a word that black folks even use).   I am glad because little black girls everywhere now have a princess they can really relate to.  I remember wanting to be Snow White and Sleeping Beauty and even Rapunzel.  I would wrap towels around my head and tuck it behind my ear so my 'hair' would be long and wavy. I know....I have issues.

I bet some of you are wondering why I'm so excited so I'd better explain.  My boys are one of only a handful of black kids in their Mother's Day Out.  They are the only ones in our Working Moms playgroup and most of the friends of mine who have kids that my boys play with are white.   For Pete's sake....Evan even thought he was white for the first 3 years of his life.  So anytime there is something out there for them to relate to that portrays being African American in a positive light....Hey, I'm all for it.  Maybe they will learn not to use words like stoked :-). Those who are in the majority never have to worry about this aspect of parenting (unless you move to a school, neighborhood, or church that is chock full of minorities)  Being a minority means that you are always aware that you are...different (for lack of a better word).  Don't get me started on trying to find other toys, books, and cartoons that have African American faces on them. 

At any rate, the Lofton's will be in line at the theaters on opening day December 11th.  Hope to see you there!


  1. I agree...this should have happened long ago. I am excited about the movie, too! (And, on a side note...my cousin's little girl plays the voice of the young Charlotte in the movie.)

  2. Tricia, You are kin to a celebrity! Small world! I'll be thinking about your cousin when I'm listening to the young Charlotte!

  3. So cool! This looks great. Thanks for sharing the preview. It's about time they added a new princess.


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