
The deviant genious

Okay, I know that Evan is a smart kid. His teachers tell me all the time how smart he is and they have stories every day of how he has suprised them with his "knowledge". They even said that they have to tell him to back off a bit in class so that the other kids can get a chance to answer some of the questions that they ask during circle time. He picks up on things easily and to top it all off....he actually likes learning. I should be proud right? Well keep reading.

And then his teachers go on to tell me how disobedient he is. They prefer to say "Evan did not make good choices today" Or "Evan did not obey at all today" Being able to obey trumps being smart. Right?! There are a lot of smart people who are not productive members of society because they lack respect for authority. And how can you be smart enough to add and read and grasp complex concepts at the age of 4 but you aren't smart enough to know that you should obey.

Today was one of Evan's "not good choice making days" He was disobedient all day long (says his teachers) and he came out of the bathroom pointing and laughing at his classmate saying "EEEWWW look at his penis" To top it all off, when one of his classmates parents came to pick her up he yells "Look, Danielle's mom is Chinese!" Which would probably be okay if the lady was actually Chinese, which she was not!

I'm embarrassed and frustrated. We can get Evan to obey at home. He will try us but he knows his limits. Why does he act like a social deviant when he's away from us? I'm tired of being the mom that teachers stop everyday after class with updates on how "smart and disobedient" their kid is.

I'm even more frustrated that when it's Terrance's shift, he never has bad days or by the time he comes home from work.....the madness is over. Or when I'm blog stalking and I come across all of these mommy blogs and they write about how wonderful their kids are and talk about what a good day they had painting pictues of butterflys and creating art with shaving cream. But I'm getting updates on how my kid pokes fun of his classmates private parts and yells racial slurs. And if I'm not doing that, I'm peeling them off of eachother over a toy altercation or I'm navigating them through The Witchin Hour.

Hang in there with me. The posts will get better eventually. This foul mood of mine will pass.

1 comment:

  1. everyone has bad days...including Terrance.


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