
10 Reasons Why I Love Organizing

There are so many things I've learned from my obsession with organizing.  I just wanted a share a few with you:

1. Organizing saves time: DUH! I shave a good 10-15 minutes off of my morning routine by having the boys outfits picked out down to the socks, undershirts, shoes, and jacket.  I had to do the morning dash a couple of times at the beginning of the school year and ummm....I refuse to subject myself to that kind of pressure again. 

2. Organizing saves money: An organized pantry keeps me from running to the store and buying yet another jar of spaghetti sauce because the jar I had was hiding behind the oatmeal.  Hey...every dollar counts!

3. Organizing saves space:  We do not have lots of space to spare in this house so maximizing the space that we do have es muy importante! We took the contents of two closets and organized all the contents into one closet thus freeing up an entire closet for us to use.  Go ahead...call me a genius!

4. Organizing saves sanity:  It is frustrating to search and search for the socks to the boys soccer uniform when we have to be out the door in 2 seconds.  Having all sports paraphernalia in one centralized location makes Saturday mornings a no brainer.

5. Organizing satisfies:  My borderline OCD personality gets a kick out of keeping my life (and the lives of those around me) organized.  It gives me a feeling of control in an otherwise chaotic world. 

6. Organizing sets boundaries for kids:  My boys know that toys are not allowed in mommy's room.  They know where to find their Spongebob puzzle and where to put it when they are done. They know to hang up their jackets in the hallway when they get home instead of throwing them across the sofa or on the floor.  They know where to grab their backpacks in the mornings, etc. etc.  It empowers them.  A place for everything and everything in it's place! 

7. Organizing purges the soul:  Okay, maybe not the soul, but it purges the home.  Getting rid of things we don't use or don't need and sharing them with those who may need them is refreshing.  It leaves more room to fill our lives with things that matter.

8. Organizing saves lives:  During a cooking fiasco last year that resulted in a visit from the fire department, we were able to find our fire extinguisher quickly...because it was where it was supposed to be and we didn't have lots of extra stuff around to be burned because our counters were clutter free. Same goes for having our first aid supplies organized.

9. Organizing makes your home run more efficiently:  Think of  an organized home as a well oiled machine with everything working together toward a common goal...making your life run smoothly!

10. Organizing is pretty:  Let's face it, clutter is ugly.  An organized home draws you in, it's more comfortable and is aesthetically pleasing. 

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