
Menu Planning

It's no secret that I love to eat but ironically, I don't like to cook. I despise everything about it. I don't like to plan the meal or buy the groceries. I don't like to touch or smell or even look at raw meat. Not to mention the time it takes to actually cook a meal and clean the kitchen. Just Thinking about it stresses me out.

However, I know that for many reasons, cooking is a necessity! (yes, it has taken me years to accept this fact...don't judge, I'm pouring out my soul here!) We have been known to spend a lot of money on fast food and dining out and I'm committed to changing this bad habit so that we can have healthy bodies and a healthier bank account.

So I've started to plan weekly menus. I've read blogs about go-getter moms who actually plan their meals for the whole month! Umm...I'm not ready for all that. Baby steps here...baby steps! I've also only committed to five days a week since this cooking thing is new to me and because I work on weekends. I think that the hubs should pitch in a bit with this cooking thing, too. Hey...it's only fair!

I've decided to share my weekly menu with you for a little accountability. I am notorious for getting all gung-ho about something and then dropping it after the excitement fades. I've already admitted that I'd rather have a gynecological exam instead of cooking so this is a big deal for me!

Monday: Birthday party! No cooking tonight! Thanks Harrison...oh, and Happy Birthday!

Tuesday: Toscana soup (similar to Olive Garden) w/breadsticks

Wednesday: Dr. Sward's casserole (penne pasta, cheese, & spaghetti sauce in a dish). Our NICU medical director felt sorry for me and contributed a couple of easy recipes for me to try when I told her of my plight!

Thursday: Crock pot roast w/veggies, Mac n cheese, rolls (I've made this meal plenty of times. It's super easy and you can't mess it up....unless you burn the rolls, which I have done)

Friday: Asian chicken w/rice (another easy crock pot family favorite)

Well, wish me luck cuz I'm gonna need it!

Toscana Soup

Recipe (I didn't feel like typing the recipe for you so I took a picture of it...I love technology)


Sausage, spinach and bacon mixture

Pillsbury breadsticks

Happy, hungry kids! I even pulled out a couple of Olive Garden kiddie cups to make it authentic


  1. Good luck!! I'm sure that once you get into a groove, cooking will become easier. Would you mind sharing your Asian chicken recipe?

  2. I want the Asian Chicken recipe, too!

  3. Ooooo...I've been wanting to try this receipe. Love this soup! What is garlic puree? Can you buy garlic pureed?



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