
Why I Love This Man

This post was almost titled: Why I Need To Lose 20lbs. However, I decided to go with a more positive spin!

The other night Terrance whipped up his delicious peach cobbler for me (at 11:00 at night)! I'd been craving it for a week but I had a root canal last week and I wanted to give my mouth a chance to heal so I could enjoy every bite of this scrumptious cobbler!

He thought his crust was ugly... I say: Who Cares, it's all tastes the same going down!

I was even ok with the mess he was making because I knew it would be worth it in the end!

See, the crust looked just fine! And it tasted oh so good!

It doesn't get any better than peach cobbler with a dollop of vanilla ice cream to make you fall in love all over again!



  1. Um... I think you have married the *perfect* man.

  2. I came across your blog through Makes Me Wanna Holler and I'm an laughing so much from your opening line of this post!! Hope you'll come by my way too! Love finding like minded bloggers!


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