
I want to be a firefighter when I grow up

Our Working Moms Playgroup visited the Fort Worth Fire Station #2 the other day and the kids loved it. The firefighters took us on a tour of their fire engines, fire station,  and eating and sleeping quarters.  This station even had a full size basketball court for recreation.  Of course our rambunctious toddlers gave the firemen a run for their money.  Ian tried to escape into the street and two firemen bolted out after him.  It was like watching superman in action.  It would have been more entertaining if it wasn't my kid that they were running after, however!

Here's Evan wearing a real firemen helmet.

The firemen gave us a tour of Fire Engine #2

Here are all of the kiddos on Engine #2 for a photo op

I love when Ian smiles...and as always, Evan is being silly!

We got to see the firemen slide down the pole.  Of course the kids loved it! Check out Harrison in the background taking his own pictures for his mommy's blog.


  1. I'm so sad we missed this! Elliott would have LOVED to see it! Glad you guys had a good time.


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