
Home Visit

We just came back from visiting family and attending my Aunt Mildred's wedding (my dad's youngest sister). It was a nice visit. I don't make it back home too often and when I do I only stay for 24-48hrs so it was good to see all of my family in one location to catch up and see those who I haven't seen in a while.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures. My camera is out of commission so all I have is the camera on my phone so bear with me until I can replace my digital camera.

A picture of the bridal cake. Yummy!

Evan and his cousin Nina

Me and my dad.....John Cole
(don't we look like twins....I'm prettier though :-)

Me and my brother.....Kelvin Cole

Me and my sis in law.....Yvette Cole


  1. I always thought when you said "John Cole" that was his first and middle name. That would be like me always calling my dad 'kevin smith' just doesn't sound the same.

  2. John Cole sounds so much better than John Henry don't you think. LOL!

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